
Welcome to the mp3bot Store.

Please note:
You will receive what you paid for when the payment comes trough.
This can take up to 10-15 minutes, if your premium purchase of mp3bot does not activate after 15 minutes, please contact us, we have a support discord server linked on the website at
https://www.mp3bot.net, we will manually give you the premium after checking the payment history.
 Our Refund Policy:

 Since the premium you receive when purchasing are Digital Intangible Items, there is a strict no refund policy.

 Executing a chargeback/dispute will get your access to mp3bot permanently banned.


 We require personal information to prevent fraud or abuse of our systems.

 Your details will never be given or sold to any company or organisation outside from mp3bot without prior notification, we strive to keep this information as safe as possible.

 You will not receive any spam emails or similar, we may contact you in case we notice issues with your payment.